Her Rising

Turn your life back on

Find a full acceptance of self

Redevote to pleasure & sensuality

Join in deeper intimacy

Welcome to HER Rising!


We can get caught in the routine of running through the motions that we can numb out all the hassle - AND all the happiness.
We make sure everyone else is doing well, has all their needs met, the laundry is clean, and the toilets scrubbed, that we forget all about our own desires and the woman who can feel stuck and suffocating inside of us.
The woman inside of us who is still there, who still wants and needs.
Who has passion and excitement.
Who has longings and desires.
A woman who has been neglected for too long.
Who is, at her core, a gorgeous, sensual, ALIVE feminine woman waiting to rise.

The most beautiful part of it all? It is accessible to you too.

It is accessible to anyone who has the courage to look inside and accept all the parts of the self.

It is available to every single woman from every walk of life who craves MORE.

More vitality, more aliveness, more pleasure and joy, more LIFE.

Life is meant to be experienced.

Are you ready to allow

yOur Coach

  • Feminine Embodiment + Sexual Intimacy Coach

    Hi! I’m Claira.
    I am a certified coach with specializations in Feminine Embodiment, Sex, and Relationships.

    Before I began this work, I was living a life with hardly any feeling, no depth, and a marriage that was just coasting along.
    As I worked on my own healing, I realized how passionate I am about this empowering work and sharing it with every woman in the world - about the feminine energy and embodiment, about relationship design and deeper intimacy, and the sexual experience we all have and can improve on.
    I am so excited to have you here, and I can’t wait to begin.

Does your partner say to you,
“I just want more of you?”
or, “Why isn’t there more ease in this?”

You’RE giving him all you think you can give.

you try to listen when he speaks about his wants.

you try to implement the changes he is asking for.

You try to do “everything” but end up feeling burned out, restless, like it’s never enough.

What you may not realize -
is how turned off and closed down your heart is.

What you may not realize is that you may be blocking out how to truly feel.

numbing out
shutting down
throwing up armor around Yourself for your own defenses

going through the motions of life without really feeling the sting of anything,

But it also means that you don’t truly feel any joy or pleasure either.

When I experienced this in my own marriage, I had no idea any of this was happening.

I truly believed I was giving everything I had.
I fully thought I was vulnerable and emotionally available.
I really thought I knew my heart and was leading my life with it.

How wrong I was…

Does this sound familiar?

if so, Her rising is the place to start to free yourself and your heart, so you can begin leading a life with love, radiance, and your own inner light.

Subtly Sexy Client Testimonials

  • Claira has a warm presence that is gentle and intuitive. If you're seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to help you embody your most authentic self, I'd highly recommend working with Claira

    Jenna Ward, Founder School of Embodied Art

  • Claira's wealth of knowledge, genuine empathy, and real-life experience have not only enhanced my relationship with my husband but also rekindled the spark between us, both inside and outside of the bedroom.

    Tina - Subtly Sexy Client

  • I was able to break a lifelong cycle of pleasing my father

    Yael - Subtly Sexy Client

  • I had such a strong clear vision for my life that came through in this session & it is holding steady!

    Christina - Subtly Sexy Client

  • Working with Claira has profoundly transformed my understanding of myself

    Subtly Sexy Client

  • I had fears of judgement but Claira put me right at ease

    Subtly Sexy Client

  • I may have had some fear before starting around being able to get intimate with someone I didn’t know in one session. The fears were unnecessary, because Claira provided a container that made it pretty effortless

    Subtly Sexy Client


  • Ready to unleash the playful goddess inside you?
    Turn on & tune in, accept every part of yourself, recommit to the devotion of pleasure and receivership, and experience a level of deeper intimacy?

    Diving into your Feminine Energy and explore your sensuality and confidence by healing your inner wounds.
    Our 1:1 time together will help to empower you to embrace your femininity and create the love life you've always wanted.
    Let’s dance to your desires!

    In the 3-month container we will have:
    7 private, 1:1 sessions - where the focus is all on YOU and getting you to the place you want to be.
    The first 90-min session is a goal oriented time for us to decipher what it is YOU desire most when you walk away.
    The following six, 60 min sessions, will follow up on and move you towards that end goal.

  • From the moment you make the decision of “YES, I am so in” you will begin receiving tools and resources for you to use at home to keep your healing active even while you are not on a call with me.
    This includes specific practices tailored to you, embodiment & meditation practices, journal prompts, notes & recordings from our time together, book recommendations, and SO MUCH MORE.

  • Throughout our time together you will have unlimited access via email for all of your burning questions or insights that may come up between session.

    -Wondering if what is happening is in alignment?
    -Stuck in a particular situation or emotion that you can’t seem to get out of?
    -Have a win that you want to shout from the rooftops?

    Whatever it may be, I want to hear about it.
    This is a resource that I strongly encourage all to use and warmly invite any and all insights or questions that may come up. My inbox is ALWAYS open.

When i first found the feminine and somatic healing I had no idea what it meant.
Energies? Visualizations?
It sounded too woo-woo and not for me.
I wanted something tangible.
Something practical I could use in real time.

But something told me to stay on the page awhile longer

so I continued to scroll and the things I read were exactly what I was looking for…

A space of:

  • Liberation from shame

  • Freedom from inner turmoil

  • Sensuality boosts

  • True feeling and Connection

  • Depth

  • A true knowing of myself

  • Access to my intuition

  • Ease and flow

  • An open heart

  • The ability to truly experience life…

It was beautiful.
And it called out to me.

Using these tools of the feminine, embodiment, and somatic healing transformed my life and I am a living, breathing example of how it can also

transform your life as well