What is Feminine Embodiment?

Feminine energy is exactly what it sounds like – an energy. No matter what you call it, it ultimately represents a vibe you embrace to experience release, joy, flow, receptiveness, and pleasure in your daily life. It's the art of fully embodying the woman within you. Embodiment is just a fancy word for living out an idea or feeling every single day - making it tangible and a part of you.
Feminine embodiment is making that feminine energy, that version of woman you want to be, alive and tangible inside of you every single day.

How do i know coaching is right for me?

Have you done research & tried everything on your own but still feel stuck?
Are you at a loss of where to go from here on your journey?
Then coaching is a great option for you.
Before you commit to anything, you will fill out an application for me to look over so I can see where you are at in your journey & assess whether or not we will be a good fit together. I can then give you options to what will be best for you in your personal situation.

what do we actually do in a session?

As the sessions are done over a video Zoom call and are all tailored to each client specifically, there is no blueprint for every person.
The most important part to know here is the client (YOU) are always in the control seat during a session. I follow your lead, and guide you into deeper knowings of whatever situation you are in.
We will always start with an in depth discussion of what your goals & needs are. From there we may dive into the body to discover where you are holding yourself back and holding onto frozen tensions/barriers, we may practice guided healing meditations/visualizations if the experience calls for it, I will partner with you to create take-home-tools for everyday use and practicality, maybe we will dance it out together to release some pent up energy!

Each client’s needs are different, & I tailor each session to the specific needs of the client… YOU.

How do I know if i am not, or even want to be, in my feminine energy?

Do you feel like you’re constantly pushing against the tide of life?
Do you feel like you are constantly close to burn out, so tired and irritated all the time?
Then you may be stuck in a chaotic cycle (aka masculine energy) inside your body. Women are not meant to be constantly pushing and moving and working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That doesn’t mean we live in fairytale land, but there has to be a balance in life. Filling out the application and getting on a call with me will help us to decide if this is the right fit for you.

What if I don’t want to explore the sexual side, but just want help getting into ease and flow?

Our sessions will be specific to YOU. So we will explore whatever you feel comfortable with & feel the need to fall into in your life. There will never be any pressure to go into things you don’t want to.
I have worked with clients on a wide range and topics: from feminine energy, to liberation from shame, finding which direction to take in their life, to experiencing desire to be sexual again...
The experience is all your own, with me as your guide to get you there.

Could my husband (or partner) join in on a call?

Short answer - yes.
Our initial sessions will be with just you as we assess where you are at & where you would like to be, but your partner is always welcome to hear & discuss practices to aide you both in your journey to deeper connection & pleasure, as I can act as a sounding board to help you both gain perspective of a certain situation.